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Age Strong VT (formerly Vermont Action Plan for Aging Well) Advisory Committee 2023 Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Presentations

Vermont passed the Older Vermonters Act (Act 156) in October 2020. Section 3 of the Act, called on Vermont to develop an Action Plan for Aging Well and states that the purpose of the plan is to “provide strategies and cultivate partnerships for implementation across sectors to promote aging with health, choice, and dignity in order to establish and maintain an age-friendly State for all Vermonters.”

In May 2021, a process proposal was submitted to the legislature by the Agency of Administration, in collaboration with the Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living and the Department of Health, outlining action steps and timelines for the development of the Action Plan for Aging Well. One first step was the development of the Advisory Committee to provide guidance and oversight of the plan.

Below find Age Strong VT (formerly Vermont Action Plan for Aging Well Advisory Committee) monthly meeting agendas, handouts and minutes. Select a month and see the available documents for that month's meeting.
If you'd like more accessible versions of any of these documents, please call our main office at 802-241-2401.

Find out more about Age Strong Vermont by visiting the Vermont Department of Health Website.

2023 Meeting Agendas and Minutes

February / April  / June / September /October / November / December

Click this link for 2022 Meeting Agendas, Materials, and Minutes

Click this link for 2021 Meeting Agendas, Materials, and Minutes






Meeting Agenda for September 25

Meeting Minutes for September 25

Age Strong Vermont Focus Group Results Summary

Healthy Aging in Vermont


Meeting Agenda for June 26

Meeting Minutes for June 26

Age Strong Vermont Advisory Committee Draft Objectives and Strategies


Meeting Minutes for April 17

Age Strong Vermont Branding

Age Strong Vermont Listening Session Final Report

Vermont Demographic Poll Methodology

Vermont Demographic Poll 2023 Results



Meeting Agenda for February 27

Meeting Minutes for February 27

Advisory Council Updates and Next Steps

Addressing Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of Vulnerable Adults in Vermont

Attorney General Role in Elder Justice

Elder Abuse - Community of Vermont Elders