What is Results Based Accountability (RBA)?
Simply put, RBA is a way to measure success.
We use it to measure the success of our programs and how they make a difference to and for people served. To apply RBA first we work with our partners to define what they consider a successful "result" or "outcome" we all wish for a group of people. Second, we decide how to measure the performance, or achieving the outcomes for the segment. Finally, we consider the results and look at how the community is better off as a result. The performance measure and efforts to improve the performance becomes a scorecard.
What is a Scorecard?
A scorecard shows how well programs work, and DAIL's own scorecards show the public, the legislature, and ourselves, programmatic successes. DAIL's programs affect the health and well-being of individuals, and a scorecard is a window into how programs help to improve the lives of Vermonters. The Results Scorecard tool is built according to Results Based Accountability (RBA).
If you are new to Scorecards, read this Performance Scorecard Key to understand how to better understand them.
For questions related to DAIL's Scorecard, please contact Bard Hill.