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Category: Press kit
Title File Category Date File Format
Falls Prevention September 2019 Press Release Falls_Prevention092019.pdf (178.66 KB) Press kit September 18, 2019 PDF
2019 Spirit of the ADA Awards 2019_Spirit_of_ADA_Awards_News_Release.pdf (212.85 KB) Press kit September 26, 2019 PDF
Wayne Beam Award Press Release Wayne_Beam_PR_10-2019.pdf (199.42 KB) Press kit October 3, 2019 PDF
Vermont Receives Visit From South Korean Association of the Vocational Rehabilitation Facilities for the Disabled Korean_visitors.pdf (156.66 KB) Press kit October 8, 2019 PDF
Category: Informational Resource
Title File Category Date File Format
CARE Press Release September 2019 CARE_PressRelease_Sept2019_FINAL.pdf (137.89 KB) Informational Resource September 23, 2019 PDF
2019 Waterbury Job Fair 2019_Waterbury_Job_Fair_Save_the_Date.pdf (285.65 KB) Informational Resource October 8, 2019 PDF
Category: Board-Commission Information
Title File Category Date File Format
DAIL Advisory Board Meeting Minutes - September 2019 MeetingMinutes_091219.pdf (180.71 KB) Board-Commission Information September 25, 2019 PDF
Category: Legislative Report
Title File Category Date File Format
CFC Quarterly Report - BUdget vs. Actual 9/30/18 CFC-QE9-30-18-Budget-vs-Actual-Report.pdf (84.15 KB) Legislative Report September 26, 2019 PDF
CFC Quarterly Report - Ending 5/30/19 CFC_QR_5-30-19.pdf (130.01 KB) Legislative Report September 26, 2019 PDF
Category: Regulation
Title File Category Date File Format
Regulations for the Designation and Operation of Home Health Agencies Regulations_Designations_operations_Home_Health_Agencies.pdf (219.22 KB) Regulation October 1, 2019 PDF