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2024 Flood Response and Information

For drying shelters and other resources, visit VT 2-1-1 or dial 2-1-1.

For Translated Recovery Materials:

Water Safety After a Flood in American Sign Language

Water Safety After a Flood in 17 languages by the Vermont Language Justice Project


• If rising water is approaching, leave.
• Evacuate over high ground and plan that route now for anytime there could be flooding.
• Never drive or walk through floodwaters. Strong currents or unseen washouts can sweep you and your car away.
• Turn off the circuit breaker in your home before you evacuate – if you can do so safely.
• Have a licensed electrician inspect your electrical system before you once again occupy your home if it has been flooded.
• If you are in a flood-prone area, or if you believe your home will be flooded, it is advisable to move valuables from your basement in case water enters your home.
• Check your insurance coverage now, and then contact your insurance company if you have damage.
If you need to evacuate someone:
• Prepare a “Go Bag” in advance to make the transition a little easier, as an evacuation might happen very suddenly.
* If helping another person, check to make sure items related to a person's specific support needs are with them. Examples: Sensory tools, sound blocking headphones, and communication tools and all medications in case they are unable to return home for a few days.
• Make sure to bring essential documentation including Contact Lists for support staff and emergency sheets for people receiving services.
• Include items to help pass the time while waiting to return home - these things can help reduce stress and anxiety. Examples: crosswords, books, deck of cards


• Vermont Emergency Management Facebook:
• VEM Twitter: @vemvt.
• Vermont Alert on Twitter (Road Closures and Weather Alerts): @VermontAlert
• 511 road closures on Twitter: @511VT
• 511 on the web:
• National Weather Service (NWS) Albany social media: or
• National Weather Service (NWS) Burlington social media: or
• Vermont river levels and forecast: