Despite the COVID pandemic's impacts on the 2020 Census, the statutory deadline for 2020 Census data collection was not extended by the current administration.
September 30th is still the deadline for 2020 Census data collection.
Vermont is among states with the lowest response rates in the country. We need everyone living in Vermont to be counted to ensure our taxpayer dollars come back to the state, and to ensure our legislative districts are accurate.
Thirty percent (30%) of VT households have yet to respond or be counted by an enumerator.
This is a BIG LIFT for us over the final six weeks. The 2020 Census ends on September 30th, please take five minutes at or call 844-330-2020 to make sure you count.
Already filled out your Census form? Thank You!
Now, ask your friends and family if they've done the same. Completing the Census is a civic duty that helps ensure our democracy. Completing the Census helps ensure your taxpayer dollars come back to Vermont.
Written by: Michael Moser, Coordinator, Vermont State Data Center, Research Specialist, UVM's Center for Rural Studies